- 1. Search
- 2. Ascending and Descending order
- 3. Grouping
- 4. Filtering
- 5. Export to Excel
- 6. Column Width and Reordering
- 7. Option to Hide Columns
- 8. Return to original state
The tables in Albina can be customized according to your requirements.
1. Search
Each table has a search field for individual items. The system also searches only by part of the search word.
2. Ascending and Descending order
You can also sort the items in each column in ascending and descending order by clicking on the column header. The column by which the data is sorted is indicated by an arrow.
3. Grouping
To create a summary table, drag and drop a column.
For example, you can create a summary by amount of stock items by dragging the header of the Count column. The individual stock items will form groups by amount.
You can also create a summary according to several criteria at once by dragging and dropping the column headers.
4. Filtering
In tables, you can filter the data in individual columns.
Note: The filter selects only from the loaded items in the table. This means that if you want to filter data from the whole list, you must first open all items in the table by clicking Load All.
5. Export to Excel
The table can be exported directly to Excel by clicking on XLSX icon.
6. Column Width and Reordering
The width of the columns can be changed by stretching or narrowing them.
You can change the column order by dragging the column header to another location.
7. Option to Hide Columns
In the Reports, clicking on the Select Column icon opens a window to which we drag the columns we need to hide in the table.
8. Return to original state
All changes to the table layout can be undone and restored to the original state by clicking Reset grid layout.